The Values of Nature & Science


  • Develops large and small motor skills
  • Allows preschoolers to use their senses
  • Helps teach responsibility as children care for plants and animals
  • Develops eye-hand coordination


  • Increases vocabulary
  • Enhances awareness of the world God made
  • Helps preschoolers learn about the natural world
  • Allows preschools to explore questions, experiment, discover truths, and form ideas


  • Provides opportunities for social interaction and cooperation
  • Stimulates conversation
  • Encourages preschoolers to enjoy and appreciate God’s world
  • Provides moments of awe and wonder


  • Provides a natural venue for teachers to use Bible verses, Bible stories, songs, and books
  • Provides opportunities for learning about God by experiencing His creation
  • Teaches respect for living things
  • Encourages preschoolers to worship as they experience the wonder of God’s world

Watch this super cute video of some students making a birthday cake for baby Jesus! 

Bringing Jesus in the Outdoor Classroom


Outdoor Classroom Photos


We LOVE music - especially in the Outdoor Classroom! By adding loose parts like these, the children learn that music can be made by anything.. not just from instruments! Music is vital in preschool as it nurtures creativity, boosts cognitive development, and brings joy to every young learner.



We are so thrilled to have Science as part of our curriculum again this year! Ms. Jennie meets each class outside in the Outdoor Classroom once a week to share age appropriate science concepts. This special science class allows your child to explore their senses and develop an awareness of the world God created. It allows them to explore questions, experiment, discover truths, and form ideas. It stimulates conversation and provides moments of awe and wonder!



Our Outdoor classroom features many opportunities to explore the wonders of nature! Outdoor exploration is essential for preschoolers as it fosters a deeper connection with nature, encourages physical activity, and sparks a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them.