Matthew 25 Church

Matthew 25

CCPC has joined many other PCUSA congregations in the Matthew 25 movement. Matthew 25:31-46 calls all of us to actively engage in the world around us, so our faith comes alive, and we wake up to new possibilities. As a Matthew 25 church, we seek to address the following priorities:

*Poverty by partnering with local organizations and municipalities to help alleviate the growing reality of poverty in our community.

*Racism by partnering with a neighbor church that is demographically diverse from us in order to have ongoing dialogue, learn from one another, do ministry together, and advance awareness of the realities that people of color so often face that are rarely acknowledged or addressed.

*Congregational Vitality by challenging ourselves to deepen our own faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with the community and the world.

Below are the three initiatives we have begun as we move into this work.

Biblical Foundation

"When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?"

Then the King will say, "I’m telling the solemn truth: whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me, you did it to me."

(Matthew 25:37-40, The Message)

Come to our Fall 2024 Gathering!


Saturday, September 28, 2024
from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church
3901 North Star Rd.
Richardson, TX 75082

Whether you and your congregation are actively engaged in Matthew 25, discerning a call to join the movement or needing inspiration on how to dive deeper, this gathering will have something for you.

Guest speaker: Corey Schlosser-Hall, Ph. D., Deputy Executive Director of Vision & Innovation, Presbyterian Mission Agency.


True Love Church (TLC)

True Love Church

CCPC has begun a partnership with True Love Church, a multi-racial congregation who specifically serves the unchurched and the underprivileged.  The hope is that this relationship will be a meaningful opportunity that supports growing, diverse congregations for both churches and provides resources and support for TLC.

Ministries we plan to focus on include:

  • Men’s Ministry - joint Bible study, fellowship, and projects
  • Marriage Ministry
  • Fellowship - selectively promoting specific events for partnership
  • Mission – serving together

True Love Church Pastors: Tony and Zella Tyson

"The Center" at Canyon Creek

The Center

CCPC has partnered with The Center Counseling in Dallas to re-establish on-site counseling services to:

  • Allow for access to Licensed Professional Counselors when other services become available
  • Provide access to play therapist
  • Paid for by clients with provisions for reduced rates and pro bono services as needed

Access to mental healthcare and resources are not available to all people due to a variety of factors such as socioeconomics and demographic challenges.

CCPC Connects
(Community Service Network)

Connect #Art - launches a community center for the arts.

Connect #Prep - serves as a resource center to serve the community.

Connect #Aware - serve as hub for safe community conversations, and fellowship opportunities for the larger community.

Connect #Go - create and provide service-based mission experiences, and vocational/internship opportunities for groups.

How We Got Here

Getting to this point is the result of some heavy lifting from different assigned groups over the course of 2 years. From the very beginning, a prayer team has been praying for the church and what God continues to reveal to us. Here are the links to documents and videos that were presented as the process unfolded:

Original Dream Proposal

Groundwork Team Presentation

Implementation Team Mental Health Survey Report

Implementation Team Update 2 18 2024