Church Happenings

There is always something big going on at Canyon Creek! We are, after all, an active bunch. Be sure you check your CCPC Realm Newsfeed and Events for the latest info! If you need help with Realm, email Realm Help. We will gladly get you connected. You can also check the church calendar

We are bound by the Spirit!  Let us worship and serve our Lord!


Below are some questions that you might be asking.

What do I wear?
The main thing to remember is to be comfortable.  You will find people wearing anything from jeans and pants to dresses and suits.

What is your service like?
We currently have two services:  Sunday morning at 11a and Thursday evening our STIR service is at 7p.  Our services are designed to help you experience the presence of the living God.  Sunday morning style is a blend of contemporary and traditional, with music led by our worship team as well as music from our choirs and organ.  Thursday is relaxed and inspirational with a contemporary/blues vocalist and pianist in the Atrium.  We hope one of these fits you. 

Where do my kids go?
On Sunday mornings, children are welcome in worship and are invited to use the worship bags and to participate in the Time with Children.  During STIR on Thursdays, children are welcome or there is also childcare available. 

What about nursery care?
We provide skilled nursery care for all Sunday morning activities.  Just ask for the nursery when you walk in and are met by one of our welcoming hosts.

How do I join?
You are welcome to attend a 4-week CCPConnects class, offered 3 times a year, or you may meet with a pastor and session members.  To start the conversation, email or call Pastor Ellen at 972-238-8103 x311. 

What About Security?

We have several security measures in place to keep you safe while visiting our campus. On Sunday, January 8 we had an informational class to cover the key points of our security plan and you can watch a video of that class here.  We also have emergency maps for evacuating in case of fire and where to shelter in case of severe weather in each room along with an Emergency Procedures Flipbook of important steps to take in case of emergency.