Who We Are

Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church is a Spirit-enlivened church who has grown up through the years.  We have been around the block a time or two, and have come to be somewhat self-reflective and willing to admit we are broken and messy.  You have stumbled into an authentic, welcoming group of folks who faithfully seek to love all as we build relationships wherever we go, as we believe Jesus did.  We sincerely hope you will experience a wide welcome here!



Our Next Steps

In order to step further into our Mission Statement to "Build relationships wherever we go"--with the Holy Spirit’s help--CCPC has dreamed a multi-year plan.  We believe this plan will allow God to work through us, using our best gifts, to serve in the gaps of racial and social injustices around us.  Please join us in praying for our Groundwork and Implementation Teams and our church moving forward as we faithfully step into the call. 

Our Dream



Come Join Us!

Contact Us

Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church
3901 North Star Road
Richardson, Texas 75082

Office: 972-238-8103 
Fax: 972-238-8214

Worship Sundays at 11a, Thursdays at 7p

Church Office Hours:
9am-3pm, Monday-Thursday
Or, by appointment.

When visiting the church Monday through Thursday, please enter through the North Entrance (the doors that face North Star Road).

Our Back Story

Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church was officially organized on September 8, 1963 with 35 families totaling 80 members. In 1960, not many people lived or worked north of LBJ Freeway.
The community of Richardson sprang up as a result of the emergent high-tech sector established north of LBJ, led by Texas Instruments and Collins Radio.
The Rev. Jack Moore led the first service of worship on November 25, 1962, with three families in attendance. They began that first service by singing Holy, Holy, Holy. The group rented the Richardson Community House at 526 Lockwood Drive for their weekly worship service (this facility later became the Masonic Lodge of Richardson).
Attendance grew, and within a few months, 143 people signed the Petition to Organize. The new church quickly outgrew its temporary location. It purchased land at 400 West Campbell Road, and moved into larger temporary space at 314 South Greenville Road.
In April, 1964, the new church called The Rev. Ed Cole to be their new pastor. By August the space on South Greenville Road became untenable, so CCPC moved into its third temporary location at Greenwood Hills Elementary School on Westgrove. A ground breaking service for the permanent location was held on August 23, 1964. May 2, 1965 was Dedication Sunday for the new church on Campbell Road.
The congregation grew and thrived in that location. In 1965, the wilderness area north of the church began development and the neighborhoods of Canyon Creek and Prairie Creek quickly filled in. The membership outgrew the Sanctuary, so a new Sanctuary wing was built, and the old room transformed into a Fellowship Hall. The Jack Noble Education Wing was dedicated in May, 1996 to provide more classroom space, and within a few years, that facility was full to overflowing.
Early in 2000, the church approved moving to the present facility on North Star Road. For more information on our church history, read "A History of Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church."




On February 22-23, 2014, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of this great and vibrant congregation. We gathered on Saturday night at the Hilton Ballroom on Campbell Road for a beautiful banquet keynoted by The Rev. John Williams from Austin College. On Sunday, we welcomed back into the pulpit our former pastor, The Rev. Jack Noble, and we received a specially commissioned musical piece in worship. It was a glorious weekend and anniversary year filled with spiritual markers of achievement. We look forward to all that God holds out in front of us for years to come!

Our Senior Pastor History

Jack L. Moore (Organizing Pastor)
March 1962 to January 1964

Edwin Sewell Cole
July 1964 to October 1981
W. Jack Noble
January 1983 to October 1994
Donald Gordon Lewis, Jr.
December 1996 to June 2010
Andrew S. Odom
December 2011 to Present

Our Denomination

Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with worldwide headquarters located in Louisville, Kentucky.

Here are some links of interest:

Beliefs    History    Social Issues    What Makes Us Unique    

Grace Presbytery    Synod of the Sun    General Assembly


What do Presbyterians believe?

Generally, Presbyterians believe in:

  • The sovereignty of God
  • The authority of Scripture
  • Justification by grace through faith
  • The priesthood of all believers

What these statements mean is that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe. Our knowledge of God and God's purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ. Our salvation (justification) is God's generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments. It is everyone’s job, ministers and lay people alike, to share this Good News with the whole world (priesthood of all believers).

Presbyterians have an official mission statement, known as the Great Ends of the Church.  They are:

  1. The proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind
  2. The shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God
  3. The maintenance of divine worship
  4. The preservation of the truth
  5. The promotion of social righteousness
  6. The exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world

Presbyterians are distinctive in two major ways, adhering to:

  • A pattern of religious thought known as Reformed theology:  God is always re-forming us!
  • A form of government that stresses the active, representational leadership of both ministers and church members.