The Women's Ministry of CCPC offers monthly and weekly Bible Studies, fellowship and service opportunities as well as annual retreats.  Our goal is for women to be in community with one another and Christ in significant and powerful ways.  If you'd like to get connected, email Pastor Ellen, or go to Realm, under Groups and scroll down to Find A Group - just ask to join and you will be contacted.  Need help with Realm? 

Women's Community

Martha Circle, Second Tuesdays, 10am

Martha's Circle meets monthly, normally on the second Tuesday, for community, food, devotional, prayer, and needed connection. It is a great way to build relationships around your faith. All are welcome!  Email Gwen Berner for details. 

Sisters in Christ

Sisters in Christ are women helping women! We usually meet the fourth Monday at 7pm in person for fellowship, to eat together, and share our gifts and talents to bless and help women in need. Hope you will join us! Email Kit Mathes for more information.

Women’s Bible Study

Are you interested in community?  In learning more about the Bible?  In growing your faith?  We'd love you to join us for Women's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10-11:30am in 312/314 or on zoom, weekly for Spring (or as you can!). If you would like to get the Zoom link or to join the WBS Group email Sam Hulsey. Or you can just show up! 
Our new series begins on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025. We look forward to a great study, Luke, by Adam Hamilton. In this six week study for Lent, we will explore the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke. Through Luke’s stories we find Jesus’ care and compassion for all as he welcomes sinners and outcasts. The book for this study is available for purchase hereLadies, we hope you'll join us for this weekly study in 312/314 March 5th or online! For childcare, email Wendy at least 1 week ahead. All women welcome in person or online. Bring a friend! 


Luke - A six week Lenten study about Jesus and his compassion for the outsiders, outcasts, and outlaws, told through the stories of Luke's gospel.
Mar 26, 2025 - On the Journey to Jerusalem
Mar 05, 2025 - Lifting up the Lowly
Sacred Rhythms - A six week study by Ruth Haley Barton in which we learn and experience six different spiritual disciplines. We will continue this study after completing our study for Lent!


Click here to find video's from previous Women's Bible Study Series.