Winter/Spring 2025 Sunday School Offerings at 9:30am
Meeting Jesus at the Table - A Lenten Study
This Lent, Discipleship is offering pop-up groups for our study Meeting Jesus at the Table.
Wednesdays at 7pm in Room 205 led by Lisa Seutter. Childcare available by contacting Wendy Galarneau by Monday each week.
If you would like to be in an ongoing small group or a pop-up group that meets for this study, please contact Pastor Ellen.
In case you missed the kick off Sunday school class, you can watch the recording here.
CCPConnects Class
If you're wanting to find out more about CCPC, meet folks and see where and how to find your place, this is the class for you! A discussion based class where any question is welcome and ok! This 4-week class meets seasonally in room 311. The next class in September 2024. If you are interested in joining sooner, contact Pastor Ellen.
ABCs of Faith
Led by Murray Rossini and Mark Walters - "Joshua, Judges, and Ruth" / Room 310 / In-Person
Joshua, Judges and Ruth by A. Graeme Auld—The study of Israel’s early history, and how the land was divided among the twelve tribes and the formation of the two nations of Israel.
Ours is a discussion group but discussion is optional and voluntary.
Back to Basic Bible
Led by Rev. Dr. Larry Hitchens - “Old Testament” / Room 313 / Hybrid
A Study on the Old Testament, which includes Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Solomon to lead us into a Spring study of John and Revelation.
The question is always, “What is God up to?” Let’s find out, together!
Compelling Faith
Our faith compels us to engage the world! / Room 315 / In-Person
We hope you will join us as we deal with current topics on a weekly basis using the weekly curriculum, The Wired Word. Class will be led by Thad and Andrea Satterfield, Teri Brooks, Karen Cozby and Peggy Parrent. We meet at 9:30a Sundays in 315 to experience and develop compelling faith that transforms the world. And us!
Wrestling with God
Jon McClure will continue the study of Revelation picking up in chapter 4.